2022-04-06 DOST-CAR Installation of DOST’s STARBOOKS in Tubo, Abra July 26, 2022July 26, 2022STARBOOKS 2022-04-06 DOST-CAR Installation of DOST’s STARBOOKS in Tubo, Abra The Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly Operated KioskS or STARBOOKS developed by DOST-STII is a standalone information kiosk or an "E-Library" that does not rely on internet access which is perfectly suited for GIDA/IP Schools.#ScienceForThePeople#STARBOOKS#CEST https://www.facebook.com/DOST.Abra.Official/posts/346274804204134 277174672 346277937537154 8272975929206434507 n 277305619 346275300870751 1421124992023327890 n 277308580 346277884203826 7385913466096543549 n 277310694 346277580870523 5836385967858077970 n 277518660 346275637537384 6870267390473813674 n 277529284 346276044204010 1475801687394899655 n 277530876 346277780870503 987085882263158051 n 277531107 346278040870477 668451241867061623 n 277571283 346278024203812 8302795931618381354 n 277577022 346276720870609 807034518603723417 n 277679558 346276437537304 77277511641347368 n 277736761 346278054203809 4516615805456890656 n 277737685 349461107218837 5533314703800750177 n 277743586 349460903885524 572786626876974920 n 277763460 349460003885614 6019870981374524670 n 277764678 349461953885419 1733988978447178647 n 277766846 349460827218865 1653437604344033221 n 277768125 349460353885579 5338398729323865482 n 277789531 349460737218874 1009997191426872081 n 277791240 346277177537230 4109568246941343373 n « ‹ of 2 › »