NVSU now has DOST’s STARBOOKS in place


In order to support and supplement Nueva Vizcaya State University’s blended learning strategy, the Department of Science and Technology installed the Science and Technology Academic and Research-Based Openly-Operated Kiosk Stations (STARBOOKS), on 22 units of computers located throughout the university’s various offices from June 22–24, 2022. This was done through the Regional and Provincial Coordinator of STARBOOOKS, Mr. Moses Balauan and Ms. Rowena Da-ang respectively.

The STARBOOKS are a collection of tens of thousands of digitized scientific and technological resources in several media (text, video, and audio), arranged in specially made “pods,” and presented in an simple interface.

Orientation and training on the use of the program will follow.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/dostnuevavizcaya.pstc/posts/1790432384682437